Our Mission
Innovation is beautiful
We are an innovative R&D company specializing in creating solutions and consulting in the field of indicating development directions, building a competitive advantage, implementing innovation and acquiring funds for research and development in enterprises.
Areas of cooperation
Support for R&D activities
Development strategy and innovation planning
Implementation of R&D projects on demand
Support for acquiring funds
Product development
As part of the cooperation, we will guide your company through your development path, from innovation audit and identification of R&D needs, through the development and innovation strategy and support in acquiring funding from EU, NCBR, or regional funds, to the full implementation of the R&D project and implementing innovative changes, certifications, reports on innovative processes and patent applications.
Range of activities
Navigation and localization
Steering control
Electronics design and production
Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning
Together, we will develop modern solutions supporting activities in terms of development, automation, software, optimization and many more. Didn’t find your area in the list above? Tell us about the processes in your company and we will find a cutting edge solution.
Our projects
From the very beginning of the company’s establishment, we have been implementing R&D projects for clients from various industry areas as energy, services, agriculture and production. We are open to new challenges. If you are not sure how we can help you in your field, our projects can be your inspiration!
Who's behind it?
Our Team
The main originator and founder of B-Droix is Rafal Dalewski Ph.D. From the very beggining, the company has been building team of specialists for whom creativity, ingenuity and professionalism are the motivation to work together. In projects, we share one goal – to invent, develop, test and implement innovative solutions for our Clients!
They trusted Us
Our partners
W carry out projects in cooperation with our Clients. The priority is parnership and trust!