• B-Droid – Plant pollination robot

    A project to automate plant pollination with robots. The project was carried out under the leadership of Dr. Rafal Dalewski in cooperation with the Warsaw University of Technology. The project included the construction of the first autonomous system for mechanical pollination of plants – a robot in two versions – aerial and ground based. As part of the project were built:

    – UAV microdrone (structure/drive/aerodynamics/electronics(Hardware and Software)),

    – autonomous small UAV (control/electronics – Hardware and Software),

    – autonomous ground vehicle UGV (control/electronics – Hardware and Software),

    – plant detection system ready for pollination (AI/ComputerVision).

  • UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

    A project aimed at automating drone tasks, control and automatic planning of flight paths, and obstacles sense & avoid algorithms. The project included automation of observation processes carried out from drones, control of orientation and operation modes of video camera. The project was implemented in cooperation with SmartFactor. Results of the project included algorithms to plan and execute in-flight observation of objects, object detection using artificial intelligence (AI) and software to support the management of system operation.

  • AR/VR/MR

    Research on a device and system to support the accuracy and stability of augmented – AR, virtual – VR and mixed reality – MR object presentation. As part of the project, we have developed a device for outdoor determination of position and orientation with very high precision. This device enables stable and precise tracking of objects in mixed reality systems. As part of the project, both hardware and software solutions have been developed. The project was carried out in cooperation with SmartFactor. In the course of the project, a device was developed enabling high accuracy positioning (Hardware, Software and Algorithms) together with augmented reality software for visualization of built objects.

  • AI/HR

    Research on artificial intelligence algorithms to support recruitment processes, automation of recruitment processes, algorithms for competence assessment, matching and development of employees. Algorithms for scheduling and risk assessment and event prediction with consideration of optimization of movement within the road network and public transport and carsharing. The project was carried out in cooperation with Express company. In the project, we developed various algorithms and software for events prediction, artificial intelligence (AI) tools for evaluation of CVs, and tools for planning and simulating logistics tasks using machine learning (ML) and proprietary algorithms.

  • FizjoDroix

    Development of a measurement device for runners. Motion, position, overload and acceleration sensors used in physiotherapy and athlete evaluation. B-Droix’s own project.

    For the project were developed:

    – a device enabling measurement of the athlete’s movement parameters (Hardware and Software) together with sensors allowing accurate localization (including In-door Navigation),

    – algorithms for interpreting the movement and position of the athlete (algorithms, signal filtering, data fusion)

    – a microservice for data acquisition and interpretation

  • Energy Sensors

    Autonomous sensor of mechanical loads of power poles. The device enables continuous measurements of the deflection of power poles and the forces acting on high-rise buildings. Own project of B-Droix.

  • Footware of Future

    Research into the development of applied electronics for firefighters and emergency responders, as well as caregivers and residents of senior care homes, including Alzheimer’s patients (electronics, navigation and positioning systems, including high-precision positioning systems in a confined spaces). Development of footwear to assist those caring for patients with dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.

    Development of footwear for Nursing Homes – in particular, for Senior Care Homes.

    Development of specialized footwear for Fire Department rescuers.

    Prototype solutions for systems were built:

    – indoor positioning using radio signals (In-door Navigation, BPS – bluetooth positioning system, RFiD-based positioning,)

    – motion energy harvesting system,

    – miniature system management electronics (Hardware and Software).

    Scope of cooperation

Projects involving employees of the B-Droix team

  • Telemedicine

    Stethovideoscope – a device for remote medical research.

    The project is carried out by R2Ideas under the supervision of Rafał Dalewski Ph.D.

  • Aerodynamics

    Designs of wind turbines and aerodynamic propulsion systems. The project was carried out by Rafał Dalewski Ph.D. at the Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with the Ciarko company.